

Effects Of Humidity

Harmful Effets Of Humidity


Industry is becoming increasingly aware of how technology can help to improve profitability and reduce overheads. Unacceptable expenses incurred by buisnesses, whether in manufacturing, distribution or services include building maintenance and the spoilage of components and finished stock.


Excessive humidity is frequently costly and inconvenient. Historically, management has lived with the problem, believing it to be a "natural phenomenon" without remedy, the harmful effects being tolerated rather than prevented.

Where Does Excess Moisture Come From?

Moisture is always present in the air, not only when it rains. The amount which the air supports is determined by air temperature. The warmer the air the more water it can support in a vaporous state. However, as the air cools it's ability to hold water decreases which raises the reative humidity. At this point the air begins to unload the excess moisture onto cold surfaces resulting in the condensation and dampness we are all familiar with.


How Excess Moisture Can Harm Your Buisness


Above a certain level of humidity the corrosion of metal accelerates. This can lead to stock being damaged or in extreme cases written off.


When water condenses on cool exterior walls, it is absorbed by the building material. This reduces the temperature of the wall causing futher condensation to form which sets in motion a cycle which can ultimately result in structural damage. Most water absorbent materials are also susceptible to damaging mould growth.


Many products and even their packaging are damaged as a reslut of excess humidty. Condensation and dampness can form in the same way it does on walls and some products, electrical components for example, absorb moisture straight from the air.

Environmental Control

A damp atmosphere is unhealthy and unpleasant and in extreme cases can lead to absenteeism amongst staff as conditions such as asthma can be aggravated by excess moisture in the work place. Also automated office equipment is more likely to suffer feed problems in conditions of excess moisuture.